Uncouple Your Mind From Couple-DOM

In Partnership with Sebene Selassie

Question Everything & Uncover The Healthiest Relationship Options For You
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Reconsider the role of relationship in your life

Be honest with yourself. How well is your current relationship dynamic, status, and trajectory working for you?

Personal fulfillment can be enhanced by romantic relationships but it doesn’t require them and cannot be found within them alone.

Come uncouple your beliefs from the models of mainstream society and explore what personal and relational fulfilment truly looks like for you as a unique person with individual needs.


They’re online groups made up of a teacher and other curious people like you.

We meet weekly to end the unhealthy idealising of romantic relationships and get honest about how our relational life needs to look for us to be truly fulfilled.

This includes re-centring our attention on self-love, exploring different ways of experiencing romantic love, friendships, and our relationship to nature.

Each group session includes meditation, learning and self-inquiry prompts, and discussions with peers.
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A membership includes

Created in Partnership with Sebene Selassie

Sebene Selassie is a writer, teacher, and speaker. She explores themes of belonging, resilience, and transformation through contemplative, creative, and nature-based practices.

She’s trained as a meditation teacher, an integral coach, a practitioner of Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy for Complex Trauma (IFOT), and is a licensed hiking guide in New York State.

Sebene is also a devoted student of mystic traditions including astrology. She has taught classes, workshops and retreats online and in person for over a decade.

Sebene has lived with advanced cancer for almost two decades. Her first book is “You Belong: A Call for Connection”.
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You Can Expect

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Real and honest conversations help you see your gifts, blocks, and blindspots.
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Facilitated By Mindfulness Teachers

All sessions are live and facilitated by highly experienced mindfulness meditation teachers.
woman making reverence and doing yoga in a park
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Proven practices for Transformation

Find inner freedom by practicing healthier responses to old situations and new opportunities.
woman making reverence and doing yoga in a park
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Group sessions with people who care

Real and honest conversations help you see your gifts, blocks, and blindspots.
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Facilitated by mindfulness teachers

All sessions are live and facilitated by highly experienced mindfulness meditation teachers.
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Proven practices for transformation

Find inner freedom by practicing healthier responses to old situations and new opportunities.

About banyan

Banyan is a global online hub where people dedicated to personal growth learn and practice applying mindfulness to specific life circumstances.
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